(330) 826-1282


We represent you the home buyer 100% of the time and therefore can advocate on behalf of the your interests getting you the best possible price and terms in your home purchase.

We represent home buyers in summit, stark, medina, wayne and cuyahoga counties.

No one wants to buy a Money Pit, but it can and does happen to unsuspecting people.

Real estate agent using laptop while having a meeting with a couple in the office.

We've got you covered

Although real estate agents and brokers provide helpful advice, they may legally be representing the interests of the seller and not yours.

Real Estate Agent

Get the best price and terms possible.

There is one thing every home buyer wants…the lowest price for the right home.

No one wants to overpay for their dream home. That’s where HomeBuyers Experts will come to your rescue.

Family and real estate agent talking in new apartment

We represent ONLY you.

If you want someone to represent only your interests, consider hiring an “true buyer’s agent,” who will be working to make sure your interests are protected 100% of the time.

The choice is clear.

When you compare working with a true buyer’s agent vs a traditional agent the benefits are clear and obvious.


True Buyer's Agent

A true buyers agent represents home buyers 100% of the time and therefore can advocate on behalf of the buyer getting them the best possible price and terms in their home purchase.

That means you get the real scoop on a home inspection, the home’s history and the fairest price without overpaying.

Who do you want on your side when you’re getting ready to make one of the largest purchases of your life?

Traditional Agency

Just because a real estate agent says they will work with a home buyer doesn’t mean that they are a “True Buyer’s Agent” and because of that they may legally be able to keep the buyers information confidential, work to get the buyer the lowest possible price on the home, or advocate on the home buyers behalf.

In fact, many agents who say they are buyers agents actually work for a “Real Estate Team” that has listings and are subject to the same rules that the lead agent are and are therefore obligated to get the seller of a home that their team has listed the highest price, terms that are favorable to that seller, and by law cannot disclose some critical information or get the lowest possible price for the buyer.